Sunday, December 20, 2020


-By Huma Batool Nakvi

Considering how stagnant our lifestyles have become along with the depleting quality of diets and food we eat, a general consensus is that everyone wants a flatter belly. However we also want to live our best lives so we can't just revolve our lives around just wanting a flat belly. But for days we just want to look good wearing a nicely fitted dress or suit, here are some points to look out for. Take note! 


Sugar is one of the main causes for bloating and gastric distress. It also the main reason people can't get rid of belly fat as it accumulates in the abdomen area. Apart from that, probably a greater harm it causes is neurological. It hits the reward centre in the brain similar to alcohol and drugs which means its as difficult to stop its consumption and the more you have, the more you want. This turns into a never ending cycle that needs to be put on halt in time because not only does it affect your body but your mood, hormones, skin, and sleep. By cutting out sugar, you cut out unnecessary calories and bloating, paving the way for a more refreshed, and vibrant life.


Not everyone is lactose intolerant but a surprisingly high number of individuals have a hard time digesting lactose, even if symptoms don't show up instantly. It usually only causes bloating but it will  for sure make your favorite pair of jeans fit a bit tighter. Best way to avoid that specially on important occasions is to simply ditch the dairy for as long as you need to. 


Beans and grains consist of lectins which are carbohydrate-binding proteins that bind to sugar and resist human digestion, hence bringing on bloating and fatigue.  Specially for those with irritable digestive systems, consuming gluten brings on similar symptoms for those with sensitive digestive systems. We can keep lectins down by avoiding starchy foods like beans and some grains. 

Contrary to popular belief, go for white rice to add carbohydrates in your diet. Since white rice is stripped of its outer coating which contains lectins, its safe to consume and easy to digest.

However, feeling good doesn't have to revolve around restricting yourself  from everything. In fact, to live a more vibrant life where you are kind and thoughtful towards yourself surrounding what you want to be and how you want to be. One needs to put themselves in a softer mental space where you focus on what you have not what you lack. 

Well rounded wellness experts and nutritionists recommend people coming from the same understanding to drink plenty of water, consume diets mainly consisting of easily digestive vegetables as well as leafy greens along with olive oil, and make their own food to be mindful and connect with what and how they eat.


  1. Love your blog. It’s my go to source of facts and health and beauty tips. 🇦🇺

    1. Thank you it's your appreciation that keeps us going!

  2. Amazing content regarding health. Keep up the good work! :) ❤️

  3. The content is very enticing! Goodjob!

  4. found this very informative and helpful. Keep it up.

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